Be A React Dev

Game View - Computer Rock Paper Scissors


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typescript plus react

What you will be building

Please check this link: Rock Paper Scissors Game

This app uses components from Chakra UI . You should check it out.

Displaying the Computer

Consider the following code:


import React from 'react';
//  chakra-ui
import { Box, Heading, Text, VStack } from '@chakra-ui/react';
//  interfaces
import { State } from '../state/interfaces';

interface Props {
  state: State;

const DisplayComputer = (props: Props) => {
  const { state } = props;

  return (
            <Heading as="h2" fontSize="125%" textAlign="center">
              <br />

export default DisplayComputer;

What This Seems Simple

Well, it is. The computer decision is handled behind the scenes in the actions. Which I will cover in more detail later.

All that needs to happen in this file is to display the results of the “computer’s” descision. If you want, let’s pretend we built a powerful AI. Ha.

Basically, all that is going on is that we are displaying a Box with a border, and within that a Heading that does not change, and Text which either contains an empty string or a non-empty string.

Ta Da! Job Done.

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