Be A React Dev

Game View - Game Controls Resets Rock Paper Scissors


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What you will be building

Please check this link: Rock Paper Scissors Game

This app uses components from Chakra UI . You should check it out.


This is one of the more complicated view components in that it includes game controllers. Rather than merely showing game display, this component provides mechanisms for game control also. We will get into this.

First, here is the code.


import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
//  chakra-ui
import { Box, Button, SimpleGrid } from '@chakra-ui/react';
//  react icons
import { FaGamepad } from '@react-icons/all-files/fa/FaGamepad';
import { FaTrashAlt } from '@react-icons/all-files/fa/FaTrashAlt';
//  components
import StandardDivider from '../../../components/standard-divider';
//  interfaces
import { SetState, State } from '../state/interfaces';
//  local actions
import setClearAll from '../actions/set-clear-all';
import setClearGame from '../actions/set-clear-game';

interface Props {
  setState: SetState;
  state: State;

const GameControlsResets = (props: Props) => {
  const { setState, state } = props;
  const [columns, setColumns] = useState(1);

  // columns effect
  useEffect(() => {
    if (columns === 1) {
      if (state.result.label !== '' && > 0) {

    if (columns === 2) {
      if (state.result.label === '' || === 0) {
  }, [state.result.label,]);

  return (
      {(state.result.label !== '' || > 0) && (
          <StandardDivider />
          <SimpleGrid columns={[columns, null, columns]} spacing={4}>
            {state.result.label !== '' && (
              <Box display="flex" justifyContent="center">
                  aria-label="clear game"
                  leftIcon={<FaGamepad />}
                  onClick={() => setClearGame({ setState })}
                  New Game

            <Box display="flex" justifyContent="center">
                aria-label="clear all"
                leftIcon={<FaTrashAlt />}
                onClick={() => setClearAll({ setState })}
                Clear All

export default GameControlsResets;


This component requires React, useEffect and useState from react. It also requires Box, Button and SimpleGrid from Chakra-UI, and a couple icons from Font Awesome within react icons.

Next it imports a standard shared component from the components bucket, the StandardDivider, then the interfaces for SetState and State, and finally a couple of actions for game control.


This interface requires SetState and State for typing Props.


Next we create our fat arrow function and call it GameControlsResets. This function accepts props (and props contains setState and state).

Within the function, first the props are desctructured exposing setState and state and then a local state for column display control is created with useState.

The useState feature is pretty simple. A default state of 1 is set (1 column needed for display), and the state is exposed with the columns property and the setting function is exposed by the setColumns function.

Columns Effect

The function then utilises the useEffect hook to decide how to respond to changes in state result label and state game total. Do we need to refer to the state result label? Probably not really. There are simpler ways to write this rule set but the way it is written is clear as to what is required. Do we need to refactor it to save lines of code or appear smarter to our colleagues? Meh.


The function returns the view next. The view only returns something if there is at least one game played.

Assuming there is a game played the output is wrapped in a fragment in order to meet React component return rules.

Within the fragment, the StandardDivider is used “as is”. A SimpleGrid is used and the amount of columns displayed at various screen sizes is chosen based on the columns state value.

The state result label is checked for a value in case the New Game button should be displayed or not. The is already checked for a value so there is no need to check this value again. The Clear All button will be displayed by default at this point.

The Buttons are placed inside Box which have their content centered.

The Buttons themselves are given aria labels just to make sure that screen readers can recognise them for vision impaired people. Each button is given an onClick handler to respond to the click event.

The next article will discuss the actions in more detail.


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