Be A React Dev

Game View - Game Results Rock Paper Scissors


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typescript plus react

What you will be building

Please check this link: Rock Paper Scissors Game

This app uses components from Chakra UI . You should check it out.

Let’s get right into it. Here is the file you will need.


import React from 'react';
//  chakra-ui
import { HStack, VStack, Text } from '@chakra-ui/react';
//  interfaces
import { State } from '../state/interfaces';

interface Props {
  state: State;

const DisplayResults = (props: Props) => {
  const { state } = props;

  return (
      sx={{ marginBottom: '1em !important', marginTop: '1em !important' }}
      <VStack p={4}>

      <VStack p={4}>

      <VStack p={4}>

export default DisplayResults;


First we import React of course. We also need components from Chakra-UI. And we need our typing for State which we defined here.

Interface & Function

Next we define the TypeScript interface and the Typed function function using a fat arrow method, and pass in props from the parent component. The props will only contain state and are typed by our interface of Props above.

The component returns an HStack (a horizontal stack of things) and the HStack has been given a nice border and formatting. The HStack contains a set of VStacks each with a padding of 4. It’s a thing.

Within each VStack are two paragraphs (Text). These columns represent computer wins, total games played and user wins.

And that is it!

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