Be A React Dev

Gatsby’s Wrap Root Element


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Gatsby’s wrapRootElement exists in both the browser and server side rendering APIs.

This means that you’ll want to add the wrapRootElement to both the gatsby-browser.js/ts file and to the gatsby-ssr.js/ts file.

This guide looks at the gatsby-ssr.js/ts file because once you know this one you can duplicate the code in the other file.

Note that the gatsby-browser.js/ts file and the gatsby-ssr.js/ts file must go in the same directory (the root) as the gatsby-config.js/ts file. Or it won’t work.

So here is an example gatsby-ssr.js/ts file which has the wrapRootElement customised.

The wrapRootElement is for providers. Putting other stuff in there beside provider definitions could cause a whiffy code smell.


import CustomRoot from './wrap-root-element';

export const wrapRootElement = CustomRoot;

wrap-root-element.js (or could be .ts extension)

import React from 'react';
import { Provider } from 'jotai';
//  chakra-ui
import { ChakraProvider, ColorModeProvider } from '@chakra-ui/react';
//  theme
import theme from './src/@chakra-ui/gatsby-plugin/theme';

const wrapRootElement = ({ element }) => (
    <ChakraProvider theme={theme}>

export default wrapRootElement;

Updated 14-Jun-2023

I was today years old when I discovered in the @chakra-ui/gatsby-plugin documentation that you had to have the theme in a specific folder within the src folder. Or else you may as well not bother trying.

Last But Not Least

Oh, in case you were wondering, Jotai is a cool state management system which is easier to learn and use than Redux .

Chakra UI is a framework thingy to style up your website.

Both are sexy. Give them a try.

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