Be A React Dev

Building Out The Actions In A ToDo App


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todo app tutorial


Building a Todo application is a logical way to delve into the world of modern web development. In this guide, we’ll introduce the concept of actions. Our powerful tech stack: GatsbyJS, TypeScript, ReactJS, Recoil, and Chakra-UI.

Click here to find out what you will be building.

Now, let’s dive in! 🤿

A Background In Doing Stuff

We are going to introduce the concept of actions here - in the context of user actions specifically. We need to think in terms of what types of actions a user of a Todo app might want to do. In broad terms a user is going to want to:

  • Create (Add) a Todo item
  • Read a Todo item
  • Update (Edit) a Todo item
  • Delete a Todo item
  • Toggle an Item as Complete / Incomplete

And What Actions Will We Need?

At a minimum, the required actions will be:

  • Add
  • Edit
  • Delete
  • Toggle completion

Because we will have access to a list of Todo items, we really do not need a specific Read action, as the list content will provide our individual items. Also, there is no need in our simple app to retrieve a specific item.

Filtering items by complete or incomplete is handled by Recoil in the state. You'll want to read this article if you want to understand the how to bits.

In the meantime, have a think about how the actions might work and what dependencies and payloads they will need in order to operate.

What Now?

Ah, you will have to wait for the next exciting installment dear coder.

Thank you for reading thus far.

Happy coding and creating! 🌟🎉

#GatsbyJS #TypeScript #ReactJS #Recoil #ChakraUI #TodoApp #FrontendDev #WebDev #CodingTips

Photo by Thomas Bormans on Unsplash

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